Saturday, September 13, 2008

Season Premiere

I have been an SNL fan since the 1970s. I honestly can't remember if it was the first season or not, but as a little kid I (me and my two step-siblings) would stay up and watch it each Saturday night. One night we had a babysitter who wouldn't let us watch it and we were furious. The next time we had a babysitter on a Saturday night we stood there and made our parents tell the babysitter in front of all three of us, "Yes, they are allowed to stay up and watch Saturday Night Live." I'm a very big fan, and have been for decades.
Tonight is the season premiere. Michael Phelps (the Olympic Gold Medalist swimmer who won 8 Golds) is hosting. I remember back in 1994 when Nancy Kerrigan hosted... She was awful. Same scenario, a popular olympic athlete hot in the pop culture of the day hosting the show. I wanted her to be good, I eagerly anticipated the show. But she was really bad. She was a cue-card reader who put no emotion at all into her characters. I was very disappointed.

I assumed Peyton Manning was going to be bad when he hosted last year, but I was wrong... He was very funny! From his opening monologue through pretty much the entire show he was making me laugh constantly. I was pleasantly surprised.

How will Michael Phelps do tonight? I guess we'll see.


Nancy Lewis said...

Ah yes, SNL. Have you ever noticed that it's funnier the next day when you're talking about it with your friends?

joe said...

Yes, just like any Mel Brooks movie!

Bobo the Wandering Pallbearer said...

How was it?

joe said...

Jim (Bobo), I gotta tell you I was disappointed. The opening sequence with Tina Fey and Amy Pohler doing Palin and Clinton was hillarious. Weekend update was, of course, hillarious (that part always is). But all of the Michael Phelps skits were weak. He was a cue-card reader,he never seemed comfortable in his lines, and he never developed a rapport with the audience. He was "awkward."

Not only that, but the writers used several "second hand" skits that they had used last season, one of them was an exact copy of the Peyton Manning basketball skit from last season (which worked then, but not again last night).

There were a couple of funny cameos from William Shatner and Jared the Subway guy, but it was not enough to hold the show together.

Did you see it? What did you think?

(And Nancy, I'm still picking myself up off the floor after hearing that you don't have a TV! So I won't ask what you thought of it... LOL)