Saturday, August 9, 2008

Happy Birthday, Glenda!

One of my blog friends (Melissa) was over last night, and the last thing she said to me before she left was "be sure and post on your blog tomorrow!" Well, here I sit at work again trying to think of what to post about, and the only thing I'm coming up with is the fact that it's my friend's mom's birthday.

So, Happy Birthday Glenda! (Okay, it was actually two days ago... But I didn't know)

I moved in to my new apartment over two months ago, in late May. I hate to tell on myself like this, but I have not cleaned my fish tank since I moved in. So, last night was spent cleaning the fish tank... I know Melissa had a blast hanging out with me while I did that. Just what a girl wants to do with her Friday night!

Then we watched Christopher Walken videos on You Tube.

Since I'm so new to this, I thought I'd try posting a link...



Melissa said...

I think that video could've used some more cowbell...

Thanks for the shout out to my mom. Now I feel like a slacker, since you beat her own daughter to posting a "happy birthday"!

joe said...

Melissa, I need you to know that "Weapon of Choice" is running through my head now. I may have to go buy that album... Joe