Monday, December 15, 2008

"You're gonna need a bigger boat."

All of us have those few scenes in motion picture history that really stand out in our heads. They usually sum up the whole movie, and seem to instantly bring us right back into the experience of watching it for the first time.

We all know that Steven Spielberg has made several well known movies (to say the least) that have all done very well at the box office, and left a lasting impression in our minds. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), Jurassic Park (1993), Saving Private Ryan (1998), Minority Report (2002), and many, many others.

But arguably, the movie that Steven Spielberg is best known for was 1975's Jaws. This was the first film of his that really made people sit up and take notice of him as a director.

One of my favorite movie scenes comes from Jaws. It's the famous "You're gonna need a bigger boat" scene, halfway through the film. Every now and then I think of that line, and that scene, as it seems to come up often in every day conversation.

I remember two years ago I was in a staff meeting at work and our boss was telling us all about the long days ahead as we were about to enter the busy season. There seemed to be a lot more work than the 6 of us could possibly handle, and somebody in the room sarcastically muttered, "You're gonna need a bigger boat." I smiled because I immediately appreciated the line, it's meaning, and it's significance to this situation.

I have often thought how amusing it would be to get screen shot of that scene, and then frame it and hang it up over the desk in a very busy person's office. Surprisingly there are no screen shots of that scene anywhere on Google image search or Yahoo image search. I have tried every imaginable search criteria from "Jaws" to "You're gonna need a bigger boat" to "famous movie lines" to "Chief Brody" to "Roy Scheider"... The list goes on. Every time I sit down and try to find it the results always yield nothing.

For some reason I felt like blogging tonight, and that scene was in my mind. So I got the idea that if I took my DVD copy of the movie and played it on my computer, I would be able to take a screen shot and get the image. But, alas, Microsoft (and other media playing software manufacturers) had already thought of that, too, and the copyrighted data on the disc would not "capture" as a jpeg. Sneaky software writing bastards.

Then, for the first time, I though that maybe I'd be able to find that scene on You Tube. Remarkably it came right up an my first search attempt! Although I was able to capture a screen shot off of You Tube it is unfortunately not a very clear one, but it will have to do.

I'd be curious to hear what your favorite movie scenes are, fellow bloggers, so please let me know.

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