Friday, October 10, 2008

I'm in love...

...with Wonder White Bread! Man, that stuff is the bomb! I haven't had it since I was a kid, and bought some at the grocery store the other day. Throw some totally processed preservative packed cold cuts and mayonnaise on two slices and you're living the good life!

Where has this stuff been all my life?

I remember when I was a kid white bread wasn't supposed to be good for you... So the parents always bought wheat (a tradition I carried into adulthood). But, man, this white bread is freakin' delicious! If my kids want to eat white bread I'm gonna let them! I'll let them do anything they want, in fact! (I'm gonna be a great parent, aren't I)

By the way... Did you know that if you do a Google image search for "wonder bread" that porn comes up? I'm not saying that's a good thing, or a bad thing... I'm just walking through life making comments here, people.

1 comment:

Nancy Lewis said...

Is the porn as good as the Wonder Bread?