Thursday, September 4, 2008

No more Sarah Palin!

Okay, this obsession I have with Sarah Palin has got to stop. So, instead of another pic of her, I have decided to post a picture of puppies (which are also cute).

I'm going to go ahead and say that I don't think she and McCain can pull it off, though. I think the youth/experience combo is working better for the Obama and Biden Combo than it is for the McCain and Palin Duo. First of all, Obama is a popularity freight train. I mean, he has Oprah behind him! Second, I didn't catch the first half of Sarah's speech last night where she discussed her own credentials, but I just don't think a first-term governor can beat out a senior senator like Biden. Overall I don't think the McCain Camp has the support behind it to beat an energized popularity powerhouse like the Obama Camp seems to be.

I mean, hey, Obama already beat a Clinton... And they don't go down easy.
I will say that the images last night of her on stage with her whole family, holding her baby, after the speech were powerful. It had an effect on me, and I think that it will speak to a lot of working class women (and other men), too. But I don't think it will be enough.

Personally I have issues with both Obama and McCain, so I am not going to vote for either one. It looks like I'll be writing in Ross Perot again this year (which I have done in the past). Or heck, maybe I'll just vote for the Green Party... Although I probably don't agree with a single part of their platform. I say, global warming? Bring it on! Heck, if it's a little warmer in the arctic maybe I could try my cardboard box experiment.

So, for the last time on this blog, “Sarah Palin is hot.” And now, in the immortal words of Forrest Gump, “That’s all I have to say about that.”

…no more on Sarah Palin. Probably.

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