Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"If she were the president she'd be Baberaham Lincoln!"

Nothing much to post today. It's my Monday. Had a pretty good weekend. Applied to a couple of jobs. Met with some friends. Got some rest.

I am obsessed with the whole Sarah Palin thing and might even watch her speech tonight. Anyone elese planning to?


Nancy Lewis said...

John McCain's new ad campaign: "Vote for me! I've got a hot chick on my ticket!" Is that the only thing she has to bring to the White House?

Melissa said...

I thought her speech was awesome. Watched the whole thing. She did exactly what the GOPers needed her to -- told the nation who she is and what she's about, ramped up support for McCain, hit the conservative/woman/blue-collar blocs hard and was a bulldog for McCain. And she was witty and entertaining while she was at it.

It's not going to change my vote, but I think she showed the Democrats -- and the Republicans -- that she's here to fight.

You should see my brother's take on it: (And there are pictures!)

joe said...

I caught the second half of her speech. All I heard was her praise for John McCaine. I didn't hear her say anything about herself. Maybe that's what she did in the first half that I missed. That was really the portion of the speech I would have been interested in... But I think I missed it.