Sunday, September 28, 2008

"N is for name of your crush"

If you recall my post "The ABCs of Joe" dated August 17th I stated that I don't have any crushes, but that from time to time I obsess over a celebrity in the media. Last month it was clearly Sarah Palin (and I think I was in good company with thousands of other men). This month it is the best-selling author of The Late Bloomer’s Revolution, Amy Cohen.

I would say that I don't exactly know what the appeal is... But that would be a lie. The appeal is that she's a babe. Now, if I wanted to seem deep, philosophical, and sensitive, I would say that it's because she is an attractive young go-getter with the initiative to write a best selling book about a tough period in her life, setting aside the fear of being judged and ridiculed... But, no, it's just that she's a babe.

I realise that most of my blogger friends are female, and so I always hesitate to post things like this (after all, I don't care to read about cute guys, or "Michael Phelp's rocking body"), but I was just tired of being angry at my apartment management company, and I thought I'd post something new.


Melissa said...

Do you deduct points because she has an ugly rug? You should.

joe said...

LOL- too funny. Right after I posted the pic I noticed the blue shag rug. "Well, Miss Cohen, shall we shag now or shag later?"

Unknown said...

Good good good......

Bobo the Wandering Pallbearer said...

That's not her rug; that what the publisher's publicist's photographer thinks is going to be "in" next year.

Jacquie said...

Joe, it's your blog and you go on about your babalicious crushes all you want and I'll keep reading.

Besides, this is a secret but I'm gonna let you in... most girls, no matter how straight we may be, have girl-crushes too ;)

You're right, she is a babe!

Thanks for all your encouragement on my race!

Jacquie said...

PS...I love the rug!

Melissa said...

ah, bobo is wise in the ways of publishing. blue IS supposed to be the hot new color. but i'm sticking to my guns and saying no to the rug. even if it does open the door to funny Austin Powers lines! :P