Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another bad one...

Did I mention that for the last two "weekends" I have had construction workers in my apartment from 8:00am - 5:00pm doing work that I don't even want done, and will probably have my rent raised for, too? What a bummer (to say the least).

I'm a real fan of the Alien movies, and a huge fan of the 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger classic Predator. When AVP (Alien vs Predator) came out in 2004 I eagerly rushed to the theater to see it. It was cheezy, but good. I liked it so much that I bought the disc.

Now, don't get me wrong, it was not academy award material or anything like that. It's just a good action flick with monsters and stuff. In my book, if you don't expect too much from those types of movies they can be fun to watch. Every now and then when I'm bored and want to watch something "light" I'll throw it in.

So I'm at Wal Mart last night and I see that the sequel, AVPR (Aliens vs Predator "Requim") is available on disc for $13.00... What a bargain! One of my friends loaned me her place for the "weekend" so I could do some laundry and avoid the construction workers, and I'm gonna be up most of the night doing laundry anyway... So why not treat myself to this cool movie!

Not so much. Pretty bad. Worse that Jaws 4 the Revenge, probably right there with Tron (although I know that contradicts what I've written before about Tron). Anyway, to be avoided.


Nancy Lewis said...
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Nancy Lewis said...

You must be on a quest to find the worst movie ever! Try the newest Indiana Jones movie.

Melissa said...

Worse than "Jaws 4"? Now that's saying something. I really wanted to disagree with Nancy, to stick up for Indy, but she's right. The new Indy is pretty bad.

Jacquie said...

there ya go rippin on Tron again!