Friday, September 19, 2008

What color is your parachute?

Had an awful night last night. Kept waking up from working dreams. Went in today and had a bad customer service survey. Pretty bad, actually. I've also had two bad phone evaluations from my boss in the last two weeks. I feel like I'm getting lined up to be fired.

Applied for a new job (very similar... same stuff, different place) at the competition where a bunch of my buddies have already run off to. Finished a 45 minute on line evaluation and set up an interview for Wednesday morning.

Don't wanna quit... But don't wanna get fired even more! Thought it was time I strapped on a parachute.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'm sorry to hear that.

This won't make the main problem go away, but it may make you smile: It's a Sarah Palin name generator. Try it! script.php