Friday, September 5, 2008

I feel good!

Yesterday afternoon my buddy, Brad, backed out on running with me. So all day I was in the mindset "I'm not running tonight." That means (for me anyway) that the laziness started to creep in and had a firm hold on me by the end of the day. Well, later toward the end of the day Brad said that he'd changed his mind and wanted to run. I was already decidedly lazy, and not going to run. When Brad left he said, "Call me if you change your mind."

So, after work I'm in Wal Mart getting a few things, and I'm exhausted from yet another 11 hour day at the office. I'm starting to think how good some junk food would taste... As I head through the check out line I'm looking at the candy bars, but I avoid buying any, thinking to myself, "Come on Joe, why pig out tonight? Just go home and eat some healthy food so you can lose another two pounds this week." It's like there was a battle in my head between wanting to pig out on the sofa, and wanting to have a good weigh-in on Saturday morning. I made it out of the Wal mart without purchasing any junk food. I was sitting in the truck, staring at my phone, and wondering if I should call Brad...

Once, several years ago, someone said to me "Most of our life can be defined by the decisions that we make." I always respected that, and as I sat there staring at my phone I made the decision to call Brad.

We went for a good run last night. And I didn't have any junk food. I went home, had some stew, watched Planet of The Apes, and went to bed. This morning I woke up with a great attitude. I made two good decisions last night, and today I feel good!


Phanatic said...

I would have to say my favorite Floyd album is Echoes. Yours?

Melissa said...

Too hot in the hot tub! Owww!

Nancy Lewis said...

& you knew that you would, yeah!