Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No one to blame but me...

Another Wednesday (which, for me, is another Monday) and nothing to show for the weekend. I didn’t balance my checkbook. I didn’t work on my resume or apply to any jobs. For a guy who bitches about work as much as I do there is no excuse for not attending to at least some of that this weekend.

On the plus side, I did stick to my healthy eating regimen (something I find hard to do, particularly on weekends), and as of Saturday I was down 2 lbs.I weighed in at 207 two weeks ago, and kinda got that reality check moment there on the scale. (For reference, 6 months ago I was down at a nice 185).

Speaking of weight control / health, I also did not run last night as I’d planned to. I called my buddy and we both felt like skipping… So we did.

No excuse. I’m hoping that the motivation I’m feeling right now extends into the night, and the week!


Nancy Lewis said...

Is it just me or does that sloth look like he's got a slot in his back - is it a slothy bank?

joe said...

Yeah, it's gross, isn't it! I think it's some sort of marcupial (sp?) pouch, like the koalas have on their backs too. Where is their spine??