Sunday, August 24, 2008

the horror... the horror... of getting older

Well, Melissa recently did a post about cartoons she used to watch as a kid, which got me thinking about being a kid. I was chatting with a buddy here at work this morning and somehow the movie Apocalypse Now came up. My buddy had never heard of it (which in itself was a little bothersome), so I started to tell him about it. I said that it starred Martin Sheen… At which point he interrupted me and asked “Is he related to Charlie Sheen?” I just stared at him for a few seconds. I didn’t know what to say. Finally I responded with, “Yeah, that’s his dad.”

The fact that my buddy (who is 21 by the way) had never heard of Apocalypse Now and/or Martin Sheen was a reality check for me. And not a pleasant one, either.

I am freaking old… which takes me back to the original idea of discussing cartoons I used to watch as a kid. Not only am I sure that most of my friends will not have heard of them, I am sure that they simply will not believe me when I tell them that I used to have to sit on the floor in front of a TV that was actually a large piece of furniture, wait 10 minutes for the tube inside to warm up, and then stare at a color pattern for 15 more minutes while I waited for the local TV station to start broadcasting for the day.

I’m f-ing old. I don’t feel like talking about cartoons anymore.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Um, I hate to say it, but add me to the list of people who were like, "Really? TV had to warm up? No way!"

So drop some names -- what cartoons did you watch?