Friday, August 29, 2008

Did I imagine this cartoon?

Continuing with the theme of cartoons we used to watch as a kid (from Melissa's blog: Most people remember George of The Jungle. But, for some reason no one remembers the other two cartoons that were also a part of that show:

  • Tom Slick

  • Super Chicken

I'm not sure why nobody remembers Tom Slick or Super Chicken... Maybe I just imagined them. Maybe they weren't real cartoons at all... Except that I found this picture of Super Chicken and his sidekick, Fred (a big goofy lion who spoke with a lisp), on Google image search.

Super Chicken was always telling Fred to do dangerous things. Fred would always get wide-eyed and exclaim, "But, Super Chicken..." to which Super Chicken would always immediately interject with "You knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Fred!" I always thought that was a very funny line. And there are many instances where I'd love to say it to someone... If I thought they would get the reference. But, of course, no one ever does.

My co-worker, Brad, gave me such an instance this morning, and I said it to him. He didn't get the reference. So I'm posting it here in hopes of enlightening the masses.


Melissa said...

That's awesome. I'm going to start saying that. And putting it in headlines.

Jacquie said...

I forgot. I was checking youtube for last week for some old stuff i used to watch that nobody seems to remember either. I will have to save those for another post though.

PS..I sorta remember super chicken but I don't know why.